Our shared vision is a world where
every one has a decent place to live.
Locally, we build and repair homes - and provide affordable home materials via our ReStores - to strengthen our community through affordable housing.
We also support international efforts to achieve housing stability.
Every year the Board of Directors at Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin River Area
votes to apportion a tithe to international affiliates in need of support.
As of 2021, we have provided more than $185,000
to help families throughout the world!
This year, we've selected Habitat for Humanity Cote d'Ivoire as our tithe recipient.
Some Priority Areas Our Tithe Helps To Support:
A Call To Action
What can I do to recognize World Habitat Day?
Join us for World Habitat Day and year round by lifting your voice to help people in need of decent and affordable housing.
Support your local Habitat by making a donation. This helps area families in need of affordable housing and helps us to support efforts around the world.
Post a message on your social media page (or share our posts) and use #WorldHabitatDay. Share-able images are here.
Say a prayer for those in need of shelter. You may use the reflection guide included here if you wish. (click to view)